Unfold the Beauty inside the Lemon Juice:- Lemon juice is one of the nature’s wonderful creations. It has versatile uses. Other than most commonly using for adding flavor to your food and drink, it also has great skin nourishing effect to enhance natural beauty. Here are few ways how you can use lemon juice as part of your daily beauty work out. For skin care Lemon juice is extremely good in removing dark or black spot on elbow, arm pits or facial skin. You can just cut a piece of a lemon and rub against your skin for few minutes it will fades away the spot and make your skin glow and change your skin into lighter tone. You can also apply lemon juice before going to bed on dark spot on elbow or knee and you can definitely going to visible effect after few days. You can also apply half cup of lemon juice in a full tub of Luke warm water and add few drops of almond oil. Then soak yourself in this beauty tonic for at least 15-20 minutes at least once or twice a week and see the effect. Lemon is also good treatment for your [...]