The most common problem we usually face in our kitchen Cabinet is deposition of grease everywhere on wooden Cabinet. We usually clean the stove or sink or counter top, but everyday cleaning the wooden Greasy Kitchen Cabinet is almost very hard job. If you are taking anything out from wooden cabinet during cooking we usually leave a mark or impression of grease on it. If you don’t clean that right away the grease collect dust and particle and then it became a big grease spot. Also whenever we are cooking or frying food, all the time grease get deposited in the wooden cabinets. If we don’t clean Greasy Kitchen Cabinet for long time we will be seeing the change in color in case of white cabinet and you can feel it by touch for darker shade cabinets. Just a wipe with kitchen towel or paper rolls with water is not just adequate to remove that highly resistant grease. As wood are very much sensitive to erosion it s a good idea to use something which is good for wooden cabinet as well as for your hand and easy to clean. First try to get Mr. clean scrub or any microfiber kitchen towel [...]